House of Strength


The House of Strength is a unique blend of intensity and humor and this is seen most poignantly in how they represent their House. With a black and steel color scheme, reminiscent of a certain football team, their attire on competition days ranges from helmet and shields to long gray hair and shiny glasses. Most importantly though is that they do not go anywhere without their famed mascot "Mr. Giddy" (a mannequin Mr. Grateke found at a garage sale...complete with a Horse head mask!)

As their slogan explicitly says, Stallions look to Jesus as the perfect example of servant leadership and they strive to focus their efforts around school on serving others and finding their true Strength in Jesus. Strength has had experience in both wins and losses, so they truly believe there is value in both and seek to experience both with humility and thankfulness. Welcome to the Stallion Mob!
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